Upward Leagues

Upward Basketball League

Boys & Girls 4th - 6th Class

August 2-5
11-3:30 daily


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The Upward Leagues are 10-weeks in duration and are designed to teach children about the sport, fairplay and teamwork. The environment allows for new friendships to be developed across areas in Ballymun, helping breakdown dividing walls between the five local neighborhoods. In working with the children, our coaching staff build the child’s self esteem through encouragement, Upward stars and equal playing time in all matches.

The players are all taught that everyone is a winner - no matter what the final score says!

Upward Leagues involve one hour of training from our trained volunteer staff and a one hour match per week of the 10 week season. Players are provided with a kit, t-shirt and their own player card. At the end of the season, players show off their improved skills in a parents v. kids match, followed by our ‘End of the Year Celebration’ with pizza and prizes for every player.

The fee for Upward Leagues is €30 for the ten weeks of coaching, a t-shirt and prize, as well as the end of year party - scholarships available for those in need.

You can email us at info@sportsacrossireland.org, or call us on 086 3814226 if you desire more information or if you are interested in speaking to Coach Dan about being trained to run an Upward league in your community.

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